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For sales

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Turn sales conversations into actionable insights. Make market knowledge your competitive edge.

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Get instant feedback on your pitch

Learn from every call. Find out why you’re losing deals. Double down on what works. Dovetail analyzes sales calls, renewal conversations, and closed deals in minutes—giving you the insights to nail your next pitch.

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Get intel, instantly

Understand what makes prospects tick. Search across all your sales data. Get instant intel on motivations, pain points, and objections. Knowledge is your secret weapon.

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Craft winning pitches

Dovetail does the heavy lifting, automatically transcribing calls and identifying key takeaways in minutes. Refine your pitch based on real customer insights, not assumptions.

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Influence the roadmap

The product team needs your help. Connect them to the market. Share customer insights from your calls. Ensure your roadmap is winning deals.

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Get intel, instantly

Understand what makes prospects tick. Search across all your sales data. Get instant intel on motivations, pain points, and objections. Knowledge is your secret weapon.

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Craft winning pitches

Dovetail does the heavy lifting, automatically transcribing calls and identifying key takeaways in minutes. Refine your pitch based on real customer insights, not assumptions.

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Influence the roadmap

The product team needs your help. Connect them to the market. Share customer insights from your calls. Ensure your roadmap is winning deals.

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Automatic summarization

Get summaries from your sales calls in seconds. Share them with your product team to keep them across what’s happening in the market.

Suggested highlights

Don’t read through endless transcripts. Dovetail highlights key moments in customer calls to refine your pitch.

Accurate transcription

Spend less time taking notes and more time closing deals. Automatic transcripts ensure insights don’t go missing.

Seamless integration

No more manually downloading chunky files. Connect Dovetail with Zoom and other tools. We’ll import, store, and analyze calls for you.

Engaging insights in minutes: launching five new features to speed up analysis

Nail your next pitch

Nail your next pitch

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