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Market demand 101: How to research and calculate it for a product

Last updated

5 October 2024


Dovetail Editorial Team

Reviewed by

Hugh Good

If you want to gain a competitive edge in your chosen industry and assist your company in making a profit, a certain level of research is required.

Part of that research involves determining how much of your product consumers are willing to purchase.  This is market demand, which refers to consumers' collective need for a product or service.

Knowing a product's market demand is vital for almost every facet of the business, from the marketing department and product development teams to stakeholders at the highest level.

What is market demand?

Market demand is the total quantity of a product or service that consumers want to (and will) purchase at a specified price within a particular market. It is influenced by a variety of factors, including consumer preferences, population demographics,  income levels, and overall economic conditions.

What is the difference between individual and market demand?

Market demand represents the quantity of the product or service that consumers in your chosen market are willing to buy. Individual demand is confined to one consumer or one household and what that consumer is willing to purchase, based on a variety of factors.

Both market and individual demand are important for businesses to understand, since knowing your customers on a granular level can influence product development and marketing. However, market demand is more likely to influence major business decisions.

Why is market demand important?

There are many reasons why it's important to know the market demand for your product or service.

Primarily, knowing market demand allows you to estimate the sales potential for that product or service. You can more accurately plan your production and inventory and estimate how likely you are to meet your goals related to that product.

Knowing market demand also helps you craft customized marketing strategies that speak to target consumers. The right marketing strategies can make all the difference in selling more and creating repeat customers.

By understanding market demand, you and other members of your team can figure out an appropriate pricing strategy for your product and service. This helps you stay competitive and grow market share as you enhance revenue and figure out new ways to serve your customers and provide value.

Finally, reviewing market demand data can help you with product development and differentiation. When you can identify gaps in the market and features and benefits you can provide through your products and services (that others in your industry aren't providing), you can unlock new ways to grow and outpace competitors.

What's a market demand curve?

A market demand curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the price of a product or service and the quantity demanded by consumers.

It typically slopes downward, indicating that as the price increases, demand decreases, and vice versa. Businesses can use this curve to understand how price changes affect consumer behavior.

Businesses may opt to raise prices when they see demand start to grow, but be wary of doing this too dramatically or too often, as significant price hikes can reduce demand and alienate customers by pushing the product out of their price range.

Top factors that influence market demand

Many factors influence the market demand for a product and service. Longevity, user experience, and price all play major roles, but here are other key factors to consider:

  • Features: Consumers love features, especially when one of their favorite products receives an upgrade. Consider running surveys and data collection to evaluate what features your target customers would find most helpful or interesting. However, avoid the trap of adding too many features and overwhelming your customers.

  • Competitive edge: It's hard to maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly challenging business environment. The advent of AI tools, rising consumer expectations, and almost daily innovations mean that businesses have to work harder than ever to stay ahead of the competition. Researching how you can improve your offerings isn't enough. Regularly evaluate your competition and be open to trying new things within your organization, including tools to enhance efficiency and out-of-the-box ideas you might never otherwise consider. According to Harvard Business School, embracing innovation is the key to business growth.

  • User experience: Every organization should prioritize user experience to maintain and grow its customer base. Consumers expect a solid experience from start to finish, which means from the first time a potential customer clicks on your website to their final chat or email with customer service or support, every interaction should be top quality. To ensure you're providing a top-notch user experience, conduct regular market research with your existing customer base. Ask your customers what features and products of yours they love (and why!) and which ones could use some work. Put those insights into practice as you find new ways to serve customers better.

  • Price: This is a primary factor behind many consumers' purchase decisions. Knowing what your target customer is looking for, and their spending habits and preferences, can influence how people buy your product. Keep in mind that if you price your product or service too high, you could risk alienating some customers, while pricing something too low can signal to your customers that it's of low quality.

  • Brand recognition: Brand recognition is a powerful thing. When consumers recognize your name, logo, or an element from one of your advertising campaigns, they immediately form a mental picture that can influence their decision whether to purchase a product or service. There are a lot of ways to create brand awareness, including defining your brand voice and using it to your advantage, using data to create powerful customer experiences, and focusing on the story behind your company.

Calculating market demand is about much more than one or two data points. It involves reviewing and analyzing a series of factors and diving deep into the features and benefits your target audience prefers.

It can also involve trial and error. While you should make every effort to accurately assess and interpret data each time, errors can naturally occur in any data set. Give yourself (and your team) grace during the process and work to steadily improve your data collection and interpretation.

How to research and identify market demand

Many factors go into influencing market demand, generating many unique data points that can be used to accurately identify market demand for a product.

Here are a few ways for you and your team to research and identify market demand.

  • Use social listening tools: Social media is a powerful tool to connect with existing and potential customers. These platforms can also be used to see what people are saying about a specific brand, product, or company. Many social media platforms and apps allow you to run searches on specific keywords, which can give a firsthand look into conversations consumers are having that involve those keywords. Save these conversations and refer to them throughout your market research and product development journey.

  • Use keyword research: In addition to social listening tools, you can use SEO tools to research market demand based on specific keywords. Search engines like Google also feature "trending now" pages with new and emerging topics that can influence your market demand research.

  • Identify your target audience: Identifying and researching your target audience is vital for enhancing your marketing and product development efforts. It can help increase conversion rates and invest resources appropriately. Identifying your target audience can involve many steps, including conducting market research, creating customer personas, and engaging your existing customers to learn what motivates and excites them.

  • Evaluate data and market trends: Market demand is likely to be influenced by what else is available and any new products and services. By carefully evaluating data and market trends, you can get an idea of what your target market might be interested in purchasing. Search engines can provide most of this information, but you can conduct supplementary research by checking out industry reports, market publications, and case studies.

  • Keep track of your competition: When you know what your competition is or isn't doing, you'll identify your areas for improvement and growth. Keep tabs on competitors' social media pages, look at their websites, and sign up for email newsletters so you can see firsthand how they're speaking to their customers and what features and benefits they provide. Use this information to influence your company's development efforts but avoid taking any decisive action before doing the appropriate research.

With the business landscape changing so rapidly, savvy marketers and product developers need to avoid stagnation. Always work to stay relevant and reach your full potential, whether by regularly reviewing customer comments and suggestions or keeping track of your competitors’ activities.

By remaining proactive and consistently looking for ways to grow, you'll ensure your business sticks around for the long haul.

Finding a product with stable demand

There's no ironclad way to know whether a product will be a hit with consumers. You can do all the market research in the world, poll your target audience, and conduct deep data analysis of your competitors' offerings and still produce a product that doesn't land.

Still, by doing appropriate research into trends and consumer wants and needs, you are more likely to come up with a product that stands the test of time.

Mindful development is the key to finding a product with stable demand. This is about identifying your target audience and thinking from their perspective throughout the development and creation process.

Creating a customer-focused business model that always puts consumer needs first is a surefire recipe for innovative businesses to go the distance.

How do you calculate market demand for a product?

Market demand represents the total quantity of a product that all consumers in a market are willing to purchase at various price levels.

To calculate market demand for a particular product, add up all the quantities consumers want at every price level.

While you can probably calculate market demand on your own, it's a good idea to review this with members of your team in product development and market segmentation, so they can understand not only what metrics you're looking for but also how you can track this data on an ongoing basis.


What does the market demand represent?

The market demand for a product represents the amount of product consumers are willing to purchase in a specific market. Businesses need to understand market demand for their products and services so they can more effectively market them and develop appropriate pricing strategies.

What does it mean to meet market demand?

Meeting market demand means your company can supply the amount of the product that consumers want. Coming in under market demand creates an undersupply that could serve to frustrate customers, while oversupply could mean your company ends up with too much product and wasted resources. To appropriately meet market demand, invest in market research and customer targeting, so you can understand what products are resonating with consumers.

How do you increase demand for a product?

You increase demand for a product through promotion. A few ways businesses promote products and services are through targeted marketing campaigns, cross-branded partnerships, and special promotional pricing. It can also help to highlight reviews and experiences from real customers, feedback that shows potential customers the value of your product or service.

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