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Workspace home

Last updated9 November 2023
Read time2 min

Customize your workspace home in Dovetail to make it work for your needs. Use search blocks and feeds to create a directory-like experience for your stakeholders, or add references to keep it feeling fresh. Managers are able to change the layout, content and look and feel of your home so you can make it truly feel like your team's home for customer knowledge.


👤 Who can use this feature

Available on Enterprise plans

Editing your home

To start editing, click Edit home in the top right corner of the Home tab. This action is only available to managers of the workspace.

Once clicked, you will be able to edit the existing contents of your home, as well as add or delete content. The toolbar on the top of the screen allows you to add or edit content.

Once you are done editing, you can click Finish editing to save. Please be aware that any changes made to your home will be visible to all users in your workspace.

Resetting your home

You are able to reset your home to its original layout. To do this, click Edit Home then Reset home.

Create a custom feed

In Home, managers can also set up custom feeds to populate content as its created in the workspace.

To create a custom feed, click + Add feed. From there, click on ✏️ to pick your feed’s emoji and title, and select the type of Dovetail content you wish to show under Display.  

Feed permissions and limits

All users see the custom feeds, though only managers can edit the search queries.

Feeds respect product and content permissions. Keep in mind that users with no access to Dovetail will not be able to see Dovetail content in your Explore feeds.

Managers can reorder custom feeds by dragging and dropping them. Custom feeds can have titles up to 200 characters long.

A workspace can have up to 100 saved feeds.

Note on configuring feeds with multiple object types

Custom feeds that leverage multiple objects and filters need an appropriate filter applied for each object to function effectively. For example, showing a filtered set of insights, you might filter by the project (for the insights you want to show). Any object that doesn’t have a suitable filter applied to it will return zero results after the first filter is applied.

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Organize projects & folders

Organize projects & folders

Organize your projects so that your users can find and share their work with ease.

Last updated13 March 2024
Read time3 min


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