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Netguru reclaims 38+ hours per week by centralizing insights with Dovetail

Poznan, Poland
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This is how Netguru saves 38+ hours every week, collaborates on multiple projects at once, and shares digestible findings their stakeholders love

Netguru is a digital acceleration agency that specializes in designing, shipping, and scaling beautiful products—efficiently. Tischner European University lecturer and Netguru Senior UX Researcher Ewelina Szczepaniak-Wenting uses Dovetail to collaborate on projects with stakeholders spread across the globe. As a result, Dovetail helps Ewelina save over 38 hours of manual work every week and shares more than three insights a week that stakeholders and clients love to read.

Juggling multiple research projects across teams with ease

With clients ranging from vehicle manufacturers and investment banks to real estate agents and healthcare organizations, the team at Netguru needs a platform that’s flexible to cater to their range of clients as well as accessible to keep all of their content organized. They approach every project as a team, so having a platform like Dovetail means anyone can hop in and contribute asynchronously without missing a beat.

Ewelina and the team at Netguru use Dovetail as their customer insights platform to host, examine, and share key research findings in a safe, data-protected environment. Whether it be interviews, usability testing, market research, or anything in between, Dovetail is built to house and pull insights from all kinds of customer data.

Since Netguru’s projects are diverse in nature, the flexibility of Dovetail means each project is easily adapted to suit their client’s needs. Features like built-in video transcribing also mean they don’t need to waste time hopping between different platforms; Dovetail can transcribe interviews in 30+ different languages in minutes.

Researching efficiently and effectively to save 38+ hours of work weekly

Before Dovetail, Ewelina and her team spent hours manually switching between multiple platforms, pulling out and editing important callouts—risking information loss with each step. Today, Dovetail helps keep all their research data organized and searchable from one repository, saving her over 38 hours of time every week.

Netguru knows Dovetail keeps their data safe with their gold standard security features, including data encryption in transit and at rest, full GDPR compliance, and administrative access controls.

In the digital acceleration era, Netguru has to move quickly. So much so that for the fifth time in the annual FT 1000 ranking recently recognized them as one of the fastest-growing European companies. Fortunately, Dovetail is built for scale, so the platform can grow alongside Netguru rather than slow them down. Features like global tag boards, custom templates, and a customizable home page allow Netguru to standardize their research approach. Custom data retention helps keep the organization safe and data-compliant as they scale. With Dovetail’s built-in features like global tag boards, highlights, and custom data retention, the team at Netguru can continue to add new projects while keeping their content organized across their workspace.

Sharing digestible research insights that stakeholders actually want to read

Sharing insights was once challenging, says Ewelina. But with Dovetail, she and her team are empowered to share insights with stakeholders easily. Netguru can tell compelling evidence-based narratives with multi-column layouts, video clips, images, and text for every project. Within six months, the team has shared 20 insights—more than three a week, driving hundreds of views of customer highlights and video clips.

Since insights in Dovetail have the option to be shared publicly, the team at Netguru doesn’t need to rely on dull PowerPoint slides or wonder if anyone will actually read the content.

So they’re not sharing insights that could compromise their data in any way, the team at Netguru also uses Dovetail’s accessibility features. This means the team has full control over who can access any given project and for what amount of time-based on user roles or individuals.

“Dovetail makes it so easy to create insights for our clients and stakeholders. Now, they can see key takeaways backed by short video clips all from one link. We’re able to show rather than tell our findings in a beautiful and digestible format, and we’ve heard feedback from our stakeholders that they’re actually excited to see our insights, which is so impactful.”

Ewelina Szczepaniak-Wenting, Senior UX Researcher, Netguru

Applying Dovetail in university classrooms

Outside of her work at Netguru, Ewelina also lectures in a post-graduate program for designers at Tischner European University in Krakow. Before using Dovetail, Ewelina taught her students about tagging taxonomies with a platform that required post-its, manual grouping, and manually changing the colors.

Now, Ewelina uses Dovetail to show her students how to construct analysis by tagging, which automatically connects the text to video clips and statistics, all in one organized page.

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