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For customer success

Become the real voice for your customer

Share key takeaways and align your team within minutes of hanging up

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No more missed moments

You know your customers better than any one. Share that knowledge. Dovetail uses AI to find key moments in your customer calls instantly, giving you the insights you need to drive real change with no manual effort.

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Show, don’t tell

Elevate important moments and customer quotes as your conversations happen. Find and resurface them when the time is right.

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Drive strategy and get leadership buy-in

Forget pitch decks—let customers do the talking. Quickly build and share a sizzle reel to inform roadmap decisions.

Insights where your team works

Surface customer insights in the tools your team use with Slack, Atlassian, Notion, and Zapier integrations.

Product screenshot

Show, don’t tell

Elevate important moments and customer quotes as your conversations happen. Find and resurface them when the time is right.

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Product screenshot

Drive strategy and get leadership buy-in

Forget pitch decks—let customers do the talking. Quickly build and share a sizzle reel to inform roadmap decisions.

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Product screenshot

Insights where your team works

Surface customer insights in the tools your team use with Slack, Atlassian, Notion, and Zapier integrations.

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Highlight reels

Round up and present key moments in a compelling way with reels that are always traceable back to the source.

Magic search

Don't waste time looking for customer conversations that already exist. Instantly resurface every thing when you need it, complete with a shareable, evidence-backed summary.

Magic highlight

AI automatically find key moments in your data so you can focus on your customers.

Magic summary

Make sense of your customer conversations in seconds. Share key takeaways without overwhelming your team with mountains of raw customer data.

Decide what to build next

Decide what to build next

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