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Import data from UserTesting

Last updated24 October 2022
Read time1 min


You can export data from UserTesting for analysis in Dovetail.

Export transcripts from UserTesting

If you use transcripts in UserTesting, these can be exported as a CSV file and imported into Dovetail for you to analyze.

From the Study view:

  1. Click Options.

  2. Click Export to Excel.

From the Video player:

  1. Click the share / export icon in the video controls in the player.

  2. Click Export to Excel.

UserTesting should start to download a CSV file with your transcripts.

Import transcripts into Dovetail

Once you have the CSV file of your transcripts from UserTesting, you can import this file to create new notes in Dovetail. Inside a project, click a Notes View, then:

  1. Click Import.

  2. Click Create notes from a spreadsheet.

  3. Choose the .csv file you downloaded from UserTesting.

You can then map any columns from UserTesting as a title for your notes, along with any additional fields.

Download video recordings from UserTesting

You can also download video recordings from UserTesting and store these in Dovetail alongside your transcripts.

To download a video recording:

  1. Click the share / export icon in the video controls in the player.

  2. Click Download video

Once downloaded, you can then upload your video to Dovetail.

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