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Prepare to onboard your team

We know mustering a team to adopt a new tool isn’t easy. In this guide, we'll discuss steps to cover when preparing to onboard a new team to Dovetail and how to give them the information they need to succeed with Dovetail.

Craft your "Why Dovetail?" statement

This will help determine clear path forward for how Dovetail will help your organization achieve your goals. For a head's start, fill in the gaps in the quote below!

Our team is using Dovetail to [manage these processes]. We want to [alleviate these pain points] so that we can achieve [these goals and benefits].

Map out sources of customer knowledge

Identify what they are and where are they currently located. From there, review available Dovetail integrations and determine if there any tools you are using that could be connected directly to Dovetail.

Interviews, usability tests, NPS responses, support tickets, CSAT etc. can all be captured in Dovetail and contribute to richer research output.

Bookmark key resources

Bookmark our help center and Academy for easy access when learning how to use and set up your workspace.

Learn Dovetail 101

Get acquainted with the basics by completing our Getting started in Dovetail course for beginners.

Start documenting standards

With your core group, develop a shared understanding of how your team will approach projects (in particular, tagging) and start to document these to share with others.

Reiterate on these processes ongoing to ensure the best outcomes for your team.

Establish channels for communication

Share important updates covering the who, what, when, where, why, and how of Dovetail for your team. Encourage them to join our weekly Dovetail webinar and complete our Getting started in Dovetail course.

Host a training session

Bring your team into the workspace and show them what they will find. If your team can successfully upload data as a note and highlight memorable moments, this is a great start!

Make sense of your data
Make sense of your data
Highlights and tags
Summarize and present
Emily Brogan

Customer Education

Next lesson

Bring your team in to Dovetail

Bring your team in to Dovetail

Last updated17 June 2024
Duration3 min


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