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What are workspace roles?

There are three ways a person can interact with Dovetail. They can be a manager, a contributor, or a viewer.

ManagerAnyone who will be contributing to work as well as managing the workspace, including project settings, workspace-wide tags and fields, should be added as a manager.
ContributorAnyone who is conducting research through viewing, contributing, and analyzing data should be added as a contributor. This is the most common user type for people who are using Dovetail for lightweight or formal research.
ViewerAnyone who will only be reading research outputs, but not editing any data, should be added as a viewer. Viewers are free to add and unlimited.

View a breakdown of permissions per role →

Invite your team and assign them a role

New users can be invited into the workspace at any time by admins, managers and contributors. 

  • The main way to invite new users is to go to ⚙️ Settings > Users.

  • From there, select Invite users and enter the email address/es of people you wish to add to your workspace. Don't forget to assign a role based on what they will be doing in the workspace!

Admins can invite new users into the workspace with any role assigned to them. Non-admins can only invite new users into a role equal to, or less than their own.

🎓 Homework

Invite a core group of users into Dovetail! Encourage them to complete our Getting started in Dovetail course and host a training session to walk-through what they will find in your workspace.

Invite your team

Share and collaborate
Add, remove and manage users
Share and collaborate
Share and access control
Emily Brogan

Customer Education

Next lesson

Organize projects with folders

Organize projects with folders

Last updated17 June 2024
Duration5 min


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