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Restore deleted work

Last updated20 December 2023
Read time1 min

When you delete something in Dovetail (like a project, a note, or a tag), you’ll usually have the opportunity to undo the deletion by clicking the action in the toast notification in the bottom right corner of the screen. If you don’t undo the deletion, whatever you deleted will end up in trash, where you can restore and recover it. Things that you delete can be restored for up to 30 days before they’re automatically and permanently deleted.


Workspace trash

Deleted folders, projects, workspace tags, and templates end up in workspace trash after you delete them.

  • To restore an item from workspace trash, managers and contributors can locate these in ⚙️ Settings > Trash.

  • From there, find your workspace item in the list and select Restore to bring it back into your workspace.

Project trash

Deleted notes, tags, tag boards, tag groups, fields, and insights end up in your specific project's trash after you delete them. If you delete a tag board, the tags associated with the board will also be deleted.

  • To restore an item from project trash, go to and open your project > Click on project's title > ⚙️ Settings > Trash.

  • From there, find your project item in the list and select Restore to bring it back into your workspace.

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Last updated8 December 2023
Read time1 min


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