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Microsoft OneDrive


Connect your Microsoft Account to Dovetail to import files directly from OneDrive, recordings from Microsoft Teams or sites from Sharepoint into Projects.

Set up OneDrive integration

  • To connect your Microsoft OneDrive account, select ⚙️ Settings Integrations and locate OneDrive in the integrations list.

  • Next, select Connect and continue to login to your Microsoft account, review requested permissions, and confirm the connection.

  • Once connected, you will be able to import files directly from OneDrive into Projects in Dovetail.

Import files from OneDrive, Teams and Sharepoint

Once you have connected your Microsoft Account, you can import supported files into a project where they can be stored and viewed by your team as notes or insights. Importing multiple files on a project view will create a note or insight for each file you import.

  • To do this, open your project, click Data, then select Import.

  • Next, select OneDrive as your source to Import from and select your files. With OneDrive, you can import:

    • OneDrive files – These may include any PDFs or presentations.

    • Team recordings – If you've recorded an interview or meeting in Teams and want to import it, you can find it by navigating to your Recordings folder in OneDrive. This will only show recordings for meetings that you own.

    • Sharepoint sites – If you're using Sharepoint sites to store your team files, you can access these from OneDrive in Dovetail using the Quick access list on the left.

Firefox and Safari users will be required to enable popups in order to use the file picker. If the popup automatically reopens when you enable the popup, you will need to close the window and open OneDrive again.

Disconnect your Microsoft Account

If you wish to disconnect your Microsoft account from Dovetail, open ⚙️ Settings Integrations, locate OneDrive in the integrations list and select Disconnect.

Once disconnected, we will no longer have access to your OneDrive files or your Microsoft Account information. Any files that you have imported into Dovetail before disconnecting will not be deleted and will remain in Dovetail.

Requested permissions

When you connect OneDrive to Dovetail, you will grant Dovetail access to:

  • See your primary Microsoft Account email address.

  • Associate you with your personal info on Microsoft.

  • See and download all your OneDrive and Sharepoint files as well as the names and emails of people you share files with. We use this information to display and import your files to Dovetail, and to link your Microsoft Account with Dovetail.

Troubleshooting import

Please note that some files such as OneNote cannot be downloaded from OneDrive, an error saying “unsupported file” will appear when you attempt to import it.

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