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Press kit and logo usage

Last updated25 July 2023
Read time2 min


If you’re interested in writing about Dovetail, adding our logo to your website, or including us in a slide deck, you’ve come to the right place.

Download the press kit

Our press kit contains logos in a variety of file formats, along with founder photos, product screenshots, and office photos. If you have any questions or need anything else, contact us.


Logo usage guidelines

When using the Dovetail logo, keep these things in mind:

  1. Always leave generous space around the logo so it’s never cramped.

  2. Maintain the original aspect ratio and do not distort the logo.

  3. Use the recommended colors and do not recolor the logo.

  4. Use the correct format for the medium (e.g. PDF for print, SVG for web).

  5. Use the correct size so it’s not ‘pixelated’ or ‘blurry’.

Logo colors

The two colors used in variations of the logo are:

  • Indigo (#190041)

  • White (#FFFFFF)

Logo usage examples

The logo works best in a colored form on a solid white background or Tan (#FEFBF5) background. This is the optimal usage of the logo in print, or on most websites.

If you need to invert the colors, use a white logo on an Indigo (#190041) background.

Likewise, the same rules apply for the brandmark when used alone.

Logo usage crimes

Please don’t stretch or distort the logo, use it with an unapproved color, add drop shadows, use it on top of an unapproved background color, complicated background image, or in a container where there’s not enough room for the logo.

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