Product management
Your customer feedback pile needs a makeover: A system for sorting so you’ll always work on the right things
The four deadly sins of continuous discovery
Not meeting your product KPIs? Prioritize customer understanding
From detractors to promoters: PMs create better products when they become their own customers
Be careful: What the business wants isn’t always what customers need
Your product discovery is probably fluffy and unhelpful
From gut feel to facts: a user-centered guide for product people
Research by any other name: How should UXRs feel about discovery?
The roadmap to success is paved with insights
Improving your product gut biome
Career jumping from UXR to PM
Is product a UX rival or partner?
I propose the following perspective: Research and product are not rivals. We have the same high level goals, and we bring different skill sets to the table.
Janelle Ward, Founder and Principal Consultant, Janelle Ward Insights
Continuous Discovery Habits with Teresa Torres
Getting in front of the customer with Marty Cagan
Building a shared brain for customer knowledge with Atlassian’s Sherif Mansour
Your customer feedback pile needs a makeover: A system for sorting so you’ll always work on the right things
Your product discovery is probably fluffy and unhelpful
The roadmap to success is paved with insights
Is product a UX rival or partner?
Getting in front of the customer with Marty Cagan
The four deadly sins of continuous discovery
From detractors to promoters: PMs create better products when they become their own customers
From gut feel to facts: a user-centered guide for product people
Improving your product gut biome
I propose the following perspective: Research and product are not rivals. We have the same high level goals, and we bring different skill sets to the table.
Janelle Ward, Founder and Principal Consultant, Janelle Ward Insights
Building a shared brain for customer knowledge with Atlassian’s Sherif Mansour
Not meeting your product KPIs? Prioritize customer understanding
Be careful: What the business wants isn’t always what customers need
Research by any other name: How should UXRs feel about discovery?
Career jumping from UXR to PM
Continuous Discovery Habits with Teresa Torres